HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are fundamental technologies used in web development. HTML is responsible for the structure and content of a webpage, defining elements such as headings, paragraphs, links, images, and forms using tags. CSS, on the other hand, is used to control the presentation, layout, and style of the HTML elements. By applying CSS, web developers can modify colors, fonts, spacing, and positioning to create visually appealing and user-friendly websites.
HTML uses a series of tags like Together, HTML and CSS work in tandem to create functional, aesthetically pleasing websites. While HTML handles the content and structure, CSS ensures that the webpage looks professional and visually cohesive across different devices and screen sizes. Modern web development also incorporates responsive design, which allows websites to adjust dynamically to varying screen sizes using CSS media queries. Mastering HTML and CSS is essential for anyone looking to build websites, from simple static pages to complex, interactive applications., and
to structure the page content. It forms the backbone of a website by organizing text and media. CSS enhances this structure by applying styles to the HTML elements, such as adjusting the layout with grids or flexbox, and customizing the typography with different font families and sizes.